Level 2 Door Supervisor + Emergency First Aid at Work


This bundle includes the following two courses:

  • Level 2 Award for Door Supervisors in the Private Security Industry
  • Emergency First Aid at Work
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This bundle includes the following two courses:

  • Level 2 Award for Door Supervisors in the Private Security Industry
  • Emergency First Aid at Work

Level 2 Award for Door Supervisors in the Private Security Industry

In order to work in the private security sector, you must have a SIA licence. Find out how to get your door supervisor or security guard licence so you may operate lawfully.

What is the Door Supervisor Licence?

The Door Supervisor Licence lets people work in various roles in the private security industry.

The Security Industry Authority (SIA) gives out the licence, which is good for 3 years. With the SIA Door Supervisor Licence, people can work in pubs, bars, shops, shopping centres, office buildings, and more. A door supervisors main role is to keep the public safe and to protect private property.

The Security Industry Authority (SIA) grants the licence, which is good for 3 years. With the SIA Door Supervisor Licence, people can work in pubs, bars, shops, shopping centres, office buildings, and more. A door supervisors main role is to keep the public safe and to protect private property.

Emergency First Aid at Work

The Emergency First Aid at Work Training Course will teach you how to help someone who hurts themselves or falls ill in an emergency. You will learn how to help people who are in shock, have been burned, or have wounds that are bleeding, as well as how to perform CPR. You will also learn how to use tools like defibrillators that can help you treat patients. A Certified First Aider's help can make a big difference in how well someone gets better. Sometimes, knowing how to give first aid can save lives.

How each training provider grades the First Aid at Work Training Course is different. One part of every assessment is the on-going or continuous assessment, in which the trainer watches how you participate in class to see if you understand how to give treatment. There are also written tests, which are becoming more common for the First Aid at Work Training Course. Most of these are multiple-choice and cover material from the course. Most of the time, assessments come at the end of your course. At the beginning of your First Aid at Work Training, your trainer will tell you how the tests will be done.

Emergency First Aid at Work training is now required by the Security Industry Authority (SIA) in order to take the Door Supervisor course. If you don't already have the EFAW qualification, you must take the EFAW First Aid course before the start date of the Door Supervisor course.

Further Information

In order to work in the private security sector, you must have a SIA licence. Find out how to get your door supervisor or security guard licence so you may operate lawfully.

What is the Door Supervisor Licence?

The Door Supervisor Licence lets people work in various roles in the private security industry.

The Security Industry Authority (SIA) gives out the licence, which is good for 3 years. With the SIA Door Supervisor Licence, people can work in pubs, bars, shops, shopping centres, office buildings, and more. A door supervisors main role is to keep the public safe and to protect private property.

The Security Industry Authority (SIA) grants the licence, which is good for 3 years. With the SIA Door Supervisor Licence, people can work in pubs, bars, shops, shopping centres, office buildings, and more. A door supervisors main role is to keep the public safe and to protect private property.

Additional information


Luton, Cardiff

Available Course Dates

13th Nov - 19th Nov 2023, 20th Nov - 26th Nov 2023, 4th Dec - 10th Dec 2023, 18th Dec - 24th Dec 2023, 20th Dec - 23rd Dec & 27th Dec - 29th Dec 2023

Aegis Training

Surety House
Kingsway Industrial Estate

Aegis Training

88 City Rd
CF24 3BL
02920 025282
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